Asphalt Pothole Repairs
Pothole repairs should be addressed as soon as they start to develop. Why?; because potholes continue to get worse if not addressed right away. This is especially true during the winter months. The constant freeze and thaw of the asphalt causes potholes to get dramatically worse and new potholes begin to form. Don’t let them go until they’re large enough to swallow a small vehicle! Or worse, there is an injury on your lot.
Springtime Maintenance
Although you should plan to do pothole repairs on an as needed basis, spring is the season for hot-mix asphalt repairs. Pothole repairs should be a line item in every property manager or property owner’s budget as a maintenance item, and not considered a capital improvement.
On-Going Asphalt Repair
The best way to maintain your parking lot, roadway or driveway is to continually maintain them year-round.
First, address and repair any damages to your asphalt as soon as possible.
Secondly, crackfill any large cracks that have developed whether you decide to sealcoat or not. Of course, crackfilling isn’t aesthetically appealing especially when a lot of crackfilling is done, but it can be uniform in appearance if applied properly using a bander machine which is what a quality sealcoat contractor will use.
And third, sealcoat, sealcoat, sealcoat. Properly applied quality sealcoat material prevents asphalt pavement from being softened by gasoline or oil drippings, oxidation from the sun and UV rays and water penetrating the pavement surface.
With proper care and a continual, long-term maintenance schedule you’ll find your asphalt parking lot or roadway will be a part of your exterior landscaping enhancing the overall look of your buildings and grounds
If your property is in the Cincinnati area, please contact Rogers Pavement Maintenance for a free estimate for all your pavement needs.
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